Spheres: tuffarsi nel buco nero

Prodotto da Darren Aronofsky e Ari Handel e diretto daEliza McNitt, Spheres (qui per maggiori informazioni) è un viaggio immersivo e interattivo per la VR che vi fa tuffare dentro a un buco nero.

Presentato l’anno scorso a Venezia si presenta così:

Dive into the heart of a black hole and discover the hidden songs of the cosmos. In this interactive VR experience, the groundbreaking ability to detect gravitational waves transforms how we see the universe. Fall into the darkness, and you will find the light.

La serie dei 3 trailer che qui vi presento sembra promettere davvero bene…

Chapter I: Chorus of the Cosmos Planet Earth sings. In this interactive VR experience, we discover the Universe through sound. Our solar system becomes an instrument and we listen to its music.

Chapter II: Songs of Spacetime Dive into the heart of a black hole to uncover the breakthrough discovery of gravitational waves. Fall into the darkness, and you will find the light. Narrated by Jessica Chastain.

Chapter III: Pale Blue Dot The Big Bang was silent. Then came sound. Journey from the edge of the cosmos to uncover the strangest song of all. Narrated by Patti Smith.