Godard, Greenaway, Pera e il 3D

Su Stereoscopy News (articolo) ho trovato una notizia davvero ghiotta… il progetto 3X3D: 3 cortometraggi in 3D stereo sulla stereoscopia firmati da Jean-Luc Godard, Peter Greenaway e Edgar Pera e che saranno presentati a Cannes…

Rodrigo Areias (Fundaçao Cidade de Guimaraes, Portugal) will produce
an innovative stereoscopic 3D feature film made of three humoristic
short movies. Actually in postproduction, the movie is supposed to be
ready for the Cannes Festival in May.

The Three Disasters by Jean-Luc Godard, a short film about the historical memory of the 3D.

Just in Time One by Peter Greenaway where space is crossed by various layers of time; 900 years of compiled history.

Cinesapiens by Edgar Pera is a short history of the
Cinema viewer, from the cave to silent cinema, through sound to colour
and from stereoscopic 3D to holocinema.