Il Live Cinema secondo Vimeo

Vimeo ha un group dedicato al Live Cinema, inteso fondamentalmente come visulizzazioni e musica live. Niente male, alcune cose sono davvero belle… questo il “manifesto”:
The term “Live Cinema“ has hitherto been used primarily to describe the live musical accompaniment of silent movies. But that was yesterday. “Live Cinema“ today stands for the simultaneous creation of sound and image in real time by sonic and visual artists who collaborate to elaborate concepts on equal terms. The traditional parameters of narrative cinema are expanded by a much broader conception of cinematographic space, the focus of which is no longer the photographic construction of reality as seen by the camera’s eye, or linear forms of narration. The term “Cinema” is now to be understood as embracing all forms of configuring moving images, beginning with the animation of painted or synthetic images.

Roxanne’s Video Games from Phil RetroSpector on Vimeo.

De’Port from Eyesupply on Vimeo.

Hit Me Darkley from JimJak on Vimeo.