IDFA mette a disposizione più di 300 documentari gratis: #iorestoacasa

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IDFA mette a disposizione più di 300 documentari gratis (qui)…

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), the world’s largest documentary film gathering, decided to make over 300 films from its prestigious collection available online. This is a godsend for both professionals and film enthusiasts who are being forced to stay home and limit their social interaction during the outbreak of the notorious COVID-19.

In total, IDFA’s selection offers 302 titles, released between 1988 and 2019. Notable European movies include festival hits such as Jehane Noujaim and Mona Eldaief’s Rafea: Solar Mama (2012), Özgür Dogan and Orhan Eskikoy’s On the Way to School (2008), Kesang Tseten Lama’s Who Will Be a Gurkha (2012), Roman Bondarchuk’s Ukrainian Sheriffs [+] (2015), and Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini’s Runaway (2001).

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